Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Age of Lawlessness

In 1644, Samuel Rutherford published a work entitled LEX REX, which translates as The Law is King. He lived under a system of government that was instead REX LEX. The king was law. He ruled according to his own desires and whims. The king was above the law. The law of the king applied only to the people that were subject to him.
The founding fathers of the United States of America believed, practiced, and designed a government built upon LEX REX. Under the United States constitution, all men are to be equal under the law. The constitution provided a standard of justice under which all men were required to perform.
In America, we have returned to REX LEX. The rule of law is no longer functioning as the standard of justice. The American people are subject to the power, whims, and prejudices of the ruling class.
The recent passage of the health care initiative provides just another example of men ruling and the rule law being made impotent. The opinions of men are used to define what is good or what is bad, what is right or what is wrong, the way we should go or the way we should not. The constitution is no longer consulted for even the simplest of tasks, such as qualification to hold office.
We are under the rule of men.
In the midst of indescribable frustration, what are we as Americans to do? Over 60% of Americans responding to an MSNBC poll describe themselves as angry at the Congressional vote on health care. The air waves are ablaze with heated debate.
I believe that until we know what we ought to do, we should do nothing. What is it that has gone awry? What is it that needs to be fixed? Can it be fixed? If so, how do we fix it?
To be sure, we must avoid the rash reactions of lawless men. Lawlessness cannot be turned back by lawlessness. Angry reactionaries only confuse and obscure the significant issues that are on the table.
Our fathers fought for freedom under a system of law. Their entire effort was to restore order to a society that was being destroyed by a lawless king. They worked against lawless vigilantes as well as working against a lawless king.
Our culture is crying out for men of wisdom, of justice, of law. Unless such men show up, and are heeded, these states will be launched into a season of chaos followed by despotism. The rule of law is our only hope.

1 comment:

  1. “Nobody has a more sacred obligation to obey the law than those who make the law.” ~ Sophocles
